Tuesday, July 1, 2008



Anonymous said...

thanx auntie...hehehe~lak mek update mek pun blog tok slalu...=) makseh ajar mekowg teyk...hahaha...

Anonymous said...

lupak mek...lak mek ngkah lagu2 jwak...hehehe~dah mek explore ckit2 benda tok teyk..hehehe

Kulupbana said...

Hi Sade,
What's up at latest? Been some time we r not in contact. I'm quiet tight after finishing MTCP course at IPTAR last month. It was another experience with the foreigners.

Selamat berpuasa and Aidil Fitri.
You know what, i'm losing few kilos and my student at college said, sir, u better get back your old kilos. Huh ..

Anyway, my old soul still maintain and will never change.



There are times

when reminiscences of yesteryears

will drown me in tears

of misdeeds...cliche's. ..charades...n camouflage

of wasted days...grievances

and of sheer bliss...pure rapture!...euphoria. ..reality denied

an everlasting 'heaven on earth’

but time, unfeeling time

disclaim reversion of those paces

Alas!!...I have to go on

yet to efface the memoirs of yesterday

is beyond my will

I can only veil souvenies of eternal memories

embedded in my heart

and relish those deja' vu

Its time again...for me to portray perspectives

in myriads of colours

For Life's own...isnt just a single ray of hue

TIME...they say

heals all wounds...Time...d best therapy

for ailments of emotions

Time again..is the antidote...for all woes

Thus, im giving in to TIME

letting time takes its pace

learning now not to dwell on bygones

of joys we've reached...& of joys that never really were!

just a make believe...of castles & gardens u made me see

....a mirage!!! ...an illusion

I was stung...down..slain

but now im up on my feet and walking again

starting anew....given a new strength

to prod on...taking life as it comes

'cos things did & do happen for reasons

with blessings in disguise thereafter

as depicted & wirtten in our life lines

Life...without this prism of colours

isnt a life to start with

and TIME...its reigning factor

TIME...and only time

withholds the answers

to questions unanswered...Que Sera Sera!!

in retrospect : composed: 31 January 2008

( in memory of sumthin' worth remembering )