congratulations MAS! it is very convenient now...u just walk to the machine and key in your ticket number and presto! your seat is shown on the screen and you can even change your seat number if u wish. yes...very very convenient. even fun...the freedom to choose seats...and then your boarding pass or passes ( depending on your flights ) ejects out of the machine and then only you go to the nearby counters to check in yr baggage for weighing...of cos MAS charge beyond 20 kgs per passenger...hmmm that again has a rhyme of its own....( whooooaaaaaaaa!!!!!)
Back to 'self-check in' everthing that is newly implemented has its setbacks....its all a transition period of 'cos...
Now back to those 'atm-like machines...( well from afar can be taken for such ).Take the elderly for example...or take those who are 'phobia' to automated machines..those who are unaware of the very existence of these 'self check-in ' machines....usually there are not enough MAS personnels posted nearby the machines to 'shadow' or literally show passengers how to use the machines to check in. so please... MAS staff, be ready at all times....or train airport attendants to be posted near these machines to help travellers.( for this transition period of cos )
So as can be observed at KLIA last few weeks, its kinda slow and inconvenient for passengers...hopefully the situation will get better...
and a little note ( little? i know to 20 kgs...RM15 for an extra kg.....please can that be revised? people not only bring their personal belongings but official things too like documents, books, notes...despite possiblities to claim later...its very 'dehydrating ' for our purses and please MAS, 'weigh' some consideration on the 'set rate' - RM15 for an extra kg..
I know a lot out there have had bitter grievances about these overweight issues....some have to part with personal belongings to lessen the charges....and leaving these belongings and things with janitors or the counter staff .I know a lot of you out there will agree with me....on the reduced rates.
well.. i was lucky not to part with any of my things as my luggage was just a little overweight ...6 kgs.( A little? whhhhoooaaaaa ) ...of cos i have to part sadly with RM90...the next time i travel, i will weigh my luggage before i leave for the airport...hehehe! Errr....Dato sri Idris have some compassion for us please......( we understand its unavoidable but a little emphathy on passengers please....just a little bit.....)